1124 County Road 11 Ozark, AL 36360 (334) 774-8484
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church
Saturday, March 22, 2025
You will live forever somewhere. Where will it be?

Dorcas Sewing Room


Based on the mandate Jesus gave us concerning the poor and the oppressed.  "I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.  I was a stranger and you took me in.  I needed clothes and you clothed me.  I was sick and you looked after me.  I was in prison and you came to visit me.  I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."  Matthew 25 - 40


A group of ladies felt compelled to meet the needs of children in crisis around the world.  The ladies heard about children without clothing, or following a natural disaster, and decided to put their sewing skills to work helping others in need.  In 2007 an old storage room was converted into a sewing room.  The room had no walls, ceiling, flooring or electricity.  A lot of work, prayer and donations (sewing machines, fabric, notions, etc.) the "Dorcas Mission" became a sewing utopia.  The Dorcas Mission sewing ministry opened on July 20, 2008.  After production, the clothing is given to missionaries going on mission trips around the globe.


The Mission provides hospital gowns, bibs, Alzheimer's aprons, lap quilts, walker covers, and bumper pads to the hospice groups in 5 counties.  Jumpers, crochet blankets, lap quilts and puppets are made for the children.  A new mission that has developed through the sewing room is teaching the Girls In Action in our church how to sew jumpers and hand puppets.  The girls are so excited to be sewing clothes for other children around the globe.  We welcome your GA group (any age) for an outing.


The opportunity is great for helpers.  You are welcome!  Call for an appointed time when you or your group can join us.  Day time hours are available.  You will receive a great blessing.  We appreciate your prayers and support.  Financial contributions should be sent to Pleasant Grove Baptist Church office designated for Dorcas Mission building fund.  Come join us in the fun and fellowship of sewing for all God's people.  For more information, call the church office (334-774-8484) or Katy Mitchell (334-797-7715) or email at dorcassewing46@yahoo.com.  Our regular meeting time is Thursday evenings from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.


Since opening in 2008, over 5,000 items have been made and distributed to hospice groups and to missionaries in Nicaragua, India, Dominican Republic, Indian Reservations, New Mexico, Haiti, Santa Cruz Bolivia, Tennessee, Alabama and other areas.  Hand puppets, tote bags and a Bible have been added to the clothing.  Puppets and a Bible are tools for teaching the gospel.  Our prayers are that each child will receive a Bible.  If you would like to donate a Bible, email or call Katy.  God has blessed and continues daily.